Testament of Abraham

Current State of the OCP Text

The entire Greek text of the Testament of Abraham is represented here as it appears in M. R. James, The Testament of Abraham (T&S 2.1; Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1892); Reprinted in M. E. Stone, ed., The Testament of Abraham: The Greek Recensions (TT 2: Pseudepigrapha Series 2; Missoula: Scholars Press, 1972), 2-84. This text has now been superceded by that of Schmidt, Le Testament grec d'Abraham (see bibliography below). James' text of the short recension (B) is now problematic and should not be trusted in detailed work. In the long recension (A) James' text is much closer to that of Schmidt and can be employed safely for general purposes. Work on a full critical apparatus of TAbr for this OCP edition is in its beginning stages.


Print Editions

For further bibliography, see DiTommaso, Bibliography, 565-74.

Sigla Used in the Text

{ } Curled brackets: indicate James' suggested additions to the text. (In James' printed edition this was represented by angle brackets < >).
[ ] Square brackets: indicate James' suggested deletions from the text.
* * Asterisks: indicate text judged by James to be irremediably corrupt. (In James' printed edition this was represented by a dagger [†]).

James' eclectic Greek text of the Testament of Abraham is in the public domain. Before using this or any other OCP text for another purpose, please click on the "copyright and permissions" link in the help menu at top to read the OCP. statement on copyright and re-use.